Ope, In Case You Missed It

Mike Rowe

Moorhead, Minn. (January 17, 2022) – The Fargo Moorhead West Fargo Chamber announces TV icon and New York Times best-selling author Mike Ro­we as keynote speaker for the 2022 Voices of Vision event on Thursday, April 21 from noon to 1:30 p.m. at the Sanford Health Athletic Complex. Presenting sponsor: Nodak Insurance Company. From the Baltimore Opera to QVC shopping channel, executive producer, host, best-selling author, and chart-topping recording artist

Community Unites to Save Deer Population at Gopher Campfire Wildlife Sanctuary

(Hutchinson, MN) — May 6th, 2024 — The Gopher Campfire Wildlife Sanctuary, located in Hutchinson, MN, faces a critical challenge: protecting its beloved deer population from disease. Without adequate funding for a secondary fence, these majestic creatures are at risk of being euthanized. Aveyron Homes, Inc., a local non-profit organization, recognizes the sanctuary’s value. Clients frequently visit to observe the deer and other wildlife, and their connection to this natural