(Roseville, MN) — Sept. 09, 2022 — SecureTech Innovations, Inc. announced the release of a new, updated product website for Top Kontrol (www.topkontrol.com).
A significant component of the upgraded Top Kontrol website allows qualified automotive technicians to take a free online video course to become a Certified Top Kontrol Technician, all in under 15-minutes. Other noteworthy upgrades include the automation of enrolling new Top Kontrol Dealers while adding a full-fledged e-commerce platform to support business-to-consumer (B2C) sales and support.
Kao Lee, SecureTech’s President and CEO, commented, “We are very excited to unveil this new Top Kontrol website. One of our biggest challenges this year has been training Certified Top Kontrol Technicians. Until now, automotive technicians had to travel to our Minnesota headquarters and take an in-person class.” Mr. Lee continued, “This is no longer the case. Now, any qualified person anywhere in the world can become a Certified Top Kontrol Technician by taking our 15-minute online certification course. The course is free and is a real game changer to make it easier to generate Top Kontrol sales outside of Minnesota!”
Mr. Lee added, “Now that SecureTech is DTC Eligible, we will also be making significant upgrades to our corporate website (www.securetechinnovations.com) to serve our shareholders better. We will also be launching a Piranha Blockchain subsidiary website. We anticipate going live with both new websites sometime later this year.”
About SecureTech Innovations
SecureTech is an emerging growth company that develops and markets security and safety devices, products, and technologies – our products preserve life, protect property, and prevent crime. SecureTech is the maker of Top Kontrol®, the only anti-theft and anti-carjacking system known that can safely stop a carjacking without any action by the driver. Through its Piranha Blockchain subsidiary, SecureTech is developing advanced cybersecurity technologies for blockchain and cryptocurrency systems and platforms involving cryptocurrency mining, digital asset storage and protection, and cryptocurrency trading platforms. For more information, visit securetechinnovations.com and topkontrol.com.