Minnesota Chef & Nutrition Education Company – On a Mission to Make Nutrition More Accessible

Chef Marshall O’Brien Visualz

(Minnesota) — January 12th, 2023 —  Minnesota’s own Chef Marshall O’Brien has a different take on nutrition. Instead of forcing intense regimens, O’Brien would much rather help Minnesotans find ways to enjoy good food that just so happens to be good for them, too.

Let’s be honest with ourselves — many of us started 2023 with the best of intentions to improve our health and wellbeing, but the longer January wears on, the harder it becomes to stick to those resolutions. That’s why O’Brien is partnering with Minnesota nutrition education company Visualz to help make nutrition realistic, sustainable and even delicious.

“Our mission is to educate and empower people to live their best lives by improving their quality of life through smart nutrition,” O’Brien said. “Our role is to apply current nutrition best practices and translate them into the right foods to produce the desired results. Since people will only eat the right foods if they taste good, we use the recommended foods to create recipes that taste great. We call this ‘Putting Delicious in Nutritious.'”

Following his Smart Nutrition philosophy, O’Brien and Visualz are releasing a collection of lifestyle-focused educational materials covering topics including menu-planning, grocery shopping, specialty diets, ingredient substitutions and more.

“Our programs focus on four aspects of Smart Nutrition — nutrition, sleep, hydration and physical activity,” O’Brien said. “We give you the tools and teach you how to use them to develop new behaviors that become a permanent part of your life. Our specialized programs allow you to choose the benefits that are important to you, whether for self-improvement or to support a medical need.”

Resources created under the partnership include educational videos as well as articles and recipes emphasizing better living and health through nutrition and physical activity. The materials give step-by-step guidance on healthier eating to teach the importance of nutrition education to ultimately provide better quality of life.

“Through our partnership with Chef Marshall, we are excited to bring better health and living to our customers those they serve,” said Cindy Scheurer, General Manager of Visualz. “Access to education on how to promote healthy eating, how to buy better foods and how to nourish your family are all goals we can collectively aim for. We see this as an opportunity to both increase and complement the resources we offer educators and public health organizations that work hard to bring better nutrition to children, families and their communities across the nation.”

They say knowledge is power, and when it comes to nutrition, that wisdom is especially true. If you’re starting to lose steam on your healthy New Year’s resolutions, don’t throw in the towel just yet. Instead, give yourself a boost by learning some easy, applicable strategies from Chef Marshall and Visualz for long-term success. The collection is available at www.getvisualz.com.

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