(Burnsville, MN) — Dec. 20, 2022 — In the last month, Inspired Spine CMO, Dr. Hamid Abbasi, with cooperation of IS Life social marketing director Amanda Armagost, have begun the podcast series, “Essence Of” with heavy emphasis on medicine to educate the public. The podcast airs LIVE on YouTube every Friday and focuses on education. Topics include, Medicine, Science, History and Life, each week with a different focus.
Since the commencement of the podcast, the “Essence of” group has had many guest appearances including Inspired Spine CEO John Seigel, to discuss the benefits and objections of the OLLIF procedure, Fatima Athar, to discuss life in Saudi Arabia as a female medical student and Trita Parsi to discuss the future of Iran.
The primary goal for this podcast is to educate the public and provide an additional view on medicine for future medical professionals. We hope this can encourage the youth of the world to pursue their dreams and continue their education.
“The public is the true beneficiary of any medical innovation, like our revolutionary trans-kambin OLLIF procedure,” says Dr. Abbasi Chief Medical Officer of Inspired Spine, “Hence I am especially proud of this podcast series, aimed to bring the knowledge to the public in an understandable fashion.”
“With all of the recent steps we have been making to educate the general public, the podcast is what makes me the most excited for the future. We have made it our main goal at ISLife to bring awareness to health related issues in both the Mental Health, and Spine Health space alike,” said Amanda Armagost the Director of IS Life.
Inspired Spine is a total spine care provider with 3 Minnesota Locations in Alexandria, Burnsville, and Crookston dedicated to improving back pain treatment value and outcomes with advanced minimally invasive spinal surgery technology. IS LIfe is an educational Minneapolis based social media group aiming to educate the public about spine related health issues.
The podcast can be found on YouTube at @essenceofpod or https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIpKl2GNdnZ_pjDkUm4uIvQ
If you have questions or would like to learn more about Inspired Spine, please visit inspiredspine.com or call 952-405-6714.