On June 17, 2023, the Hennepin County Sheriff Foundation is hosting the “Backing the Blues Street Dance” at the Chester Bord Legion Post on Golden Valley, MN.
(Minneapolis, MN) — June 7, 2023 — The Hennepin County Sheriff Foundation and American Legion Post 523 are proud to announce the Backing the Blues Street Dance is scheduled for June 17, 2023 at the Chester Bird American Legion 200 Lilac Dr N, Golden Valley, MN.
The event is hosted in partnership with the Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office to raise money for students pursuing degrees in law enforcement, and to honor the vital roles played in our community by the men and women of law enforcement, fire, medical, and other first responders.
The Backing the Blues Street Dance is the 43rd street dance hosted by Chester Bird Post 523 and represents the first time the regular event is being held since the end of the pandemic. This event will bring together local residents and community leaders to show support for our men and women in uniform and raise money for the Hennepin County Sheriff Foundation’s Scholarship Fund.
“We are excited to announce that admission to the Backing the Blues event is free,” said Peter Brehm, Chair of the Hennepin County Sheriff Foundation. “We want everyone in the community to be able to come out and show their support for first responders and their families. Proceeds from all donations and raffles will support our scholarship fund to help bring qualified candidates into law enforcement.”
The event will feature a BBQ cookoff featuring teams from several local first responder agencies and the community at large. A grand prize of $250.00 will be awarded to the top teams, and an award for the best first responder team. Live music from Elephant in the Room will play from 6:00 p.m. until dusk, and a fireworks display at dusk will cap off the evening’s festivities.
In addition, food and beverages will be available for purchase. No coolers or personal beverages will be allowed on site. First response agencies will also have equipment on display. Attendees are encouraged to bring blankets and lawn chairs to enjoy the festivities.
“We invite everyone in the area to come out and support this event,” said Craig Hartman, Commander of Chester Bird Legion Post #523. “This is a great opportunity for us to come together and show our appreciation for the hard work and dedication of people who serve our communities and raise money for scholarship to help young people pursue careers in law enforcement.”
For more information about the Backing the Blues Street Dance, please visit the event website at https://sherifffoundation.org/streetdance/.