(Minneapolis, MN) — April 26, 2022 — Bio-Techne Corporation (NASDAQ: TECH) today announced that it has been included on the Forbes list of Best Employers for Diversity 2022. This prestigious award is presented by Forbes and Statista Inc., the world-leading statistics portal and industry ranking provider. The awards list can currently be viewed on the Forbes website.
Forbes and Statista selected the Best Employers for Diversity 2022 through an independent survey applied to a sample of over 60,000 U.S. employees were surveyed working for companies with more than 1,000 employees to identify the Best Employers for Diversity.
The evaluation was based on four different criteria:
- Direct recommendations: Employees were asked to give their opinions on a series of statements regarding Age, Gender, Ethnicity, LFBTQA+ & General Diversity in their current workplace. The recommendations of women, elders, and ethnic minorities were weighted higher than non-minority groups.
- Indirect recommendations: Participants were also given the chance to evaluate other employers in their respective industries that stand out either positively or negatively with regard to diversity. Only the recommendations of minority groups were considered.
- Diversity Among Top Executives/Board and Diversity Engagement Indicators were also part of the evaluation.
“We are excited to be recognized on the Forbes list of Best Employers for Diversity 2022,” said Chuck Kummeth, President and Chief Executive Officer of Bio-Techne. “This award serves as recognition of Bio-Techne’s corporate culture and workplace where diversity and inclusion are celebrated and encouraged.”