Minnesota Historical Society

Snapshots of Everyday Life

(St Paul, MN) — September 27, 2024 – Thousands of photographs that capture a view of community life in Minnesota will be available to the public, following the acquisition by the Minnesota Historical Society (MNHS). The archive of photographs and related material are by artist, writer, educator, and photographer Wing Young Huie.  The first year’s material, 1,000 images and supporting material, is available in the searchable Collections Online database and the Gale

Hunt for History at the Great Minnesota Get Together

The Minnesota Historical Society will host interactive history lessons at the Minnesota State Fair ST. PAUL, Minn (August 13, 2024) – From new activities to perennial favorites, there will be no shortage of opportunities to engage with history at the Minnesota State Fair! The Minnesota Historical Society (MNHS) encourages visitors to join in the following activities: MNHS 175 History Hunt The MNHS 175 History Hunt celebrates MNHS’s 175th anniversary with

New Exhibit Split Rock Lighthouse

The premier tours are headlined by the brand-new Conquering the Cliff Tour (Two Harbors, MN) — June 21, 2024 – In addition to its famous, breathtaking views, Split Rock Lighthouse boasts more than a century of history! This year, the site is offering three premier tours that will give guests a chance to learn about the lighthouse from a variety of angles. All tours include access to the lighthouse and keeper’s

Minnesota History Center

(St Paul, MN) — February 29, 2024 – Join the Minnesota Historical Society (MNHS) in honoring the remarkable achievements and contributions of women throughout history. Explore engaging exhibits, programs, and books that highlight women’s impact in Minnesota. Mill City String Quartet: Women Composers, Women Performers, Minnesota History Center* March 16, 2 pm–3 pm The Mill City String Quartet (MCSQ) is an all-female, award-winning chamber ensemble based in the Twin Cities since 2007.

Next Minnesota State Flag

State Emblems Redesign Commission selected F1953 as the base design UPDATE: The Next Minnesota State Flag and thoughts from it’s creator   St Paul, MN) — December 19th 2023 — Statement from Andrew Prekker, Luverne, creator of the original idea that led to the new state flag:   “The last few days have been surreal for me. Very few things make me speechless in life, but this is one of those

James J. Hill House

First-ever Train Day events to take place May 13-14 (St Paul, MN) –May 4, 2023 – The James J. Hill House has just the ticket for families to both enjoy and educate themselves about trains. The historic St. Paul home will host its first ever Train Day events May 13 and 14th. James J. Hill was nicknamed the “empire builder” for assembling the Great Northern railroad network in the 19th Century.

Minnesota Historical Society Jazz Appreciation Month

  Patty Peterson hosts an eventful afternoon of inspiring stories and live music   (St Paul, MN) –March 17, 2023 – The Minnesota Historical Society is honored to host a Jazz Appreciation Month celebration event featuring some of Minnesota’s most notable jazz legends. People of all ages are invited to attend an afternoon full of live music and inspiring stories hosted by award-winning vocalist and KBEM Radio host, Patty Peterson. Patty

Legacy Amendment Small Grants

(St Paul, MN) — December 21, 2022  – The Minnesota Historical Society (MNHS) is pleased to announce the newest recipients of 35 Minnesota Historical and Cultural Heritage Small Grants ($10,000 and less), totaling $304,444 in 19 counties. Small grants are awarded quarterly to help nonprofits, educational organizations, government units and federally recognized tribes to preserve and share Minnesota history. This cycle of awards was approved by the MNHS Executive Council

Native American Artist-in-Residence

(St Paul, MN) — Dec. 1, 2022 – The Minnesota Historical Society (MNHS) is pleased to announce that two artists have been selected for the 2022 Native American Artist-in-Residence program (NAAIR). The program, which is designed to help revitalize traditional forms of American Indian art, is approaching its ninth year in grantmaking. Selected artists serve a six- to twelve-month paid residency to study the collections at MNHS and other institutions in

Charles Linberg Home & Museum

  Historic sites reopening between May 27 and June 10   (Minnesota) — May 11th, 2022 — Ten Minnesota historic sites will soon be ready to greet visitors again for the summer season with new programs, events, lectures, workshops, classes, performances and guided tours. MNHS sites reopening include: May 27, Charles Lindbergh House and Museum May 27, Folsom House May 28, Comstock House May 28, Historic Forestville May 28, Historic

Legacy Amendment Logo

Legacy Amendment Supports $355,452 in Small Grants to History Organizations Throughout Minnesota (Minnesota) — April, 2022 — The Minnesota Historical Society is pleased to announce the newest recipients of 42 Minnesota Historical and Cultural Heritage Small Grants ($10,000 and less), totaling $355,452 in 23 counties. Small grants are awarded quarterly to help nonprofits, educational organizations, government units and federally recognized tribes to preserve and share Minnesota history. This cycle of

Minnesota History Center

Smithsonian Traveling Exhibition Righting a Wrong: Japanese Americans and World War II Opens April 23 at the Minnesota History Center   Exhibit opening events include Taiko drumming, traditional Japanese dancing, origami and a documentary film screening. (St Paul, MN) — The Minnesota Historical Society is pleased to announce the opening of the Smithsonian traveling exhibition Righting a Wrong: Japanese Americans and World War II on April 23 at the Minnesota History